wire - news in brief



Results 1 - 50 of 58.

Research Management - Career - 03.12.2024
UC3M obtains two prestigious Consolidator Grants

Career - 13.11.2024
The UC3M is committed to attracting international research talent

Career - Economics - 24.10.2024
Ten recommendations for young people who want to pursue a successful scientific career in Spain

Career - 23.09.2024
The Swedish government commissions the University of Valencia to research the effects of artificial intelligence at work
The Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise, an entity under the country's government, has commissioned researcher Adrián Todolí, professor of Labour Law at the University of Valencia (UV) and

Career - Chemistry - 20.06.2024
ICMol researcher José J. Baldoví, elected full member of the Young Academy of Spain

Career - 07.06.2024
The HRS4R work group participates in the information sessions of the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships

Mathematics - Career - 31.05.2024
Researcher awarded the L’Oréal-UNESCO Women in Science 2024 Prize

Career - Campus - 31.05.2024
The Director General for Science and Research presents updates to the research management programme

Chemistry - Career - 30.04.2024
Guillermo Mínguez, Research Excellence Award from the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry

Career - Economics - 26.02.2024
Effectiveness of executive coaching in reducing burnout and increasing productivity
Effectiveness of executive coaching in reducing burnout and increasing productivity
Research shows effectiveness of executive coaching in reducing burnout and increasing productivity Executive coaching has multiple beneficial effects on the psychological well-being and quality of work life of business leaders.

Research Management - Career - 09.02.2024
The A4U European research office presents its work plan for 2024

Career - Psychology - 13.12.2023
Analysis of legal and employment implications of automated emotion recognition systems
Current legal regulations do not offer real protection to employees against companies that use automated emotion recognition systems, which combine biometrics, algorithms and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to deduce or detect moods or intentions.

Career - Social Sciences - 11.10.2023
A 1% increase in the number of workers in the cultural sector would increase life expectancy by 5.2 months
A 1% increase in the number of workers in the cultural sector would increase life expectancy by 5.2 months
A 1% increase in the proportion of workers in the cultural and creative sectors would increase life expectancy at birth by 5.2 months in Tuscany (Italy).

Career - Campus - 20.09.2023
UC3M, among the best European universities according to the QS Europe ranking

Event - Career - 08.09.2023
Robin M. Hogarth, awarded by the European Association for Decision Making
Robin M. Hogarth, awarded by the European Association for Decision Making

Psychology - Career - 03.05.2023
The University of Valencia grants an Honorary Doctorate to Juan Pascual-Leone, the first scientist to quantify mental attention capacity
The University of Valencia grants an Honorary Doctorate to Juan Pascual-Leone, the first scientist to quantify mental attention capacity

Career - 19.04.2023
Adrián Todolí analyses the regulation of algorithms to improve labor organisation
Adrián Todolí analyses the regulation of algorithms to improve labor organisation
Professor Adrián Todolí analyses the regulation of algorithms to improve labor organisation The professor of Labour Law at the University of Valencia (UV) Adrián Todolí analyses how the management of

Research Management - Career - 06.02.2023
UC3M obtains a new ERC Consolidator Grant

Campus - Career - 03.02.2023
First CHARM-EU graduation
First CHARM-EU graduation

Research Management - Career - 31.01.2023
Two UB researchers receive a Consolidator Grant to develop their research projects
Two UB researchers receive a Consolidator Grant to develop their research projects

Career - Social Sciences - 26.01.2023
The University of Valencia and Labora present two reports on the situation of teleworking and employment on digital platforms
The University of Valencia and Labora present two reports on the situation of teleworking and employment on digital platforms

Social Sciences - Career - 12.12.2022
Josep Vicent Pérez Cosín, new director of IIDL

Career - Administration - 07.12.2022
The Faculty of Law hosts a conference on collective bargaining in the public sector in a context of inflationary crisis

Campus - Career - 31.10.2022
Human resources meeting at the UB
Human resources meeting at the UB

Chemistry - Career - 06.10.2022
Researcher Guillermo Mínguez, winner of the National Youth Research Award in Chemical Sciences and Technologies
Researcher Guillermo Mínguez, winner of the National Youth Research Award in Chemical Sciences and Technologies

Environment - Career - 23.09.2022
The 2nd UB Institutes Conference addresses the challenges of climate change and natural hazards
The 2nd UB Institutes Conference addresses the challenges of climate change and natural hazards

Health - Career - 15.09.2022
Óscar Zurriaga, new president of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology
Óscar Zurriaga, new president of the Spanish Society of Epidemiology

Innovation - Career - 29.07.2022
The activities of the UCC+i of the University of Valencia, the project best valued by the FECYT in Networks of Scientific Culture Units

Campus - Career - 22.07.2022
Chair UB José Luis Massó Private Foundation, to help graduates from the Faculty of Chemistry to continue their studies
Chair UB José Luis Massó Private Foundation, to help graduates from the Faculty of Chemistry to continue their studies

Innovation - Career - 05.07.2022
LERU recommendations for the New European Innovation Agenda

Career - Campus - 15.06.2022
Olga Lanau, appointed general director of CSUC, leaves the general management of the UB Group
Olga Lanau, appointed general director of CSUC, leaves the general management of the UB Group

Research Management - Career - 10.06.2022
The BBVA Foundation funds three UC3M research projects due to their innovative nature

Career - 30.05.2022
María José Vañó is elected director of the IUDESCOOP
María José Vañó is elected director of the IUDESCOOP

Career - Linguistics / Literature - 25.05.2022
Registration open for intensive language courses
Registration open for intensive language courses

Event - Career - 10.05.2022
The Inter-university Institute for Local Development celebrates its fitfteenth anniversary

Life Sciences - Career - 02.05.2022
Juli Peretó and Carolina Moreno present the book on Darwin's career Iluminando la evolución humana
Juli Peretó and Carolina Moreno present the book on Darwin’s career Iluminando la evolución humana

Career - Innovation - 13.04.2022
The University of Valencia exposes in a conference on influencers the challenges of content creators

Career - Administration - 06.04.2022
Professors Todolí, Boix and Chaves will advise the Valencian Government to renew the selection system for public employment
Professors Todolí, Boix and Chaves will advise the Valencian Government to renew the selection system for public employment

Career - Life Sciences - 01.04.2022
Four postdoctoral researchers will bring their talent to UPF thanks to the grants obtained in the European Marie Curie 2021 call
They will join the departments of Medicine and Life Sciences (Artemy Kolchinsky and Elena Muscolino), Humanities (Marija Blasokovic) and Information and Communication Technologies (Piotr Przybyla), u

Economics - Career - 17.03.2022
UPF offers online briefings of its official master’s degrees

Research Management - Career - 21.01.2022
The UC3M is among the most successful Spanish organisations for R&D&I activities in Horizon 2020

Economics - Career - 08.11.2021
Jan Eeckhout to become president of the European Economic Association in 2024

Campus - Career - 08.10.2021
New edition of ’The UB in figures’ with the highlights of the year 2020/2021

Campus - Career - 23.09.2021
The UB holds the first position in Spain and the 87th worldwide in the QS Graduate Employability Rankings

Career - Economics - 29.07.2021
Gemma Cirac-Claveras and Larbi Alaoui awarded Leonardo grants from the BBVA Foundation

Research Management - Career - 20.07.2021
Melanie Revilla presents four new types of data that complement or replace web surveys
The deputy director of the UPF Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology, which in 2019 received a grant from the European Research Council to study the subject, gave one of the keynote speeches at the 2021 conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA).

Career - Research Management - 20.07.2021
Professional requalification for teaching and research staff through a joint call by UPF and the Ministry of Universities

Campus - Career - 07.07.2021
The UB fundraises nearly 22 million euros in the call for state projects
The UB fundraises nearly 22 million euros in the call for state projects

Career - Mechanical Engineering - 07.07.2021
UC3M lecturer José A. Rodríguez receives a 2021 Leonardo Grant from the BBVA Foundation

Career - Innovation - 31.05.2021
Jan Eeckhout explains his book ’The Profit Paradox’ how strong companies threaten the future of employment