Mechanism for eliminating harmful cells from cancer treatment

Health - Jan 22

After treating a tumour with chemotherapy and radiotherapy, cells known as senescent cells can appear.

Media - Jan 23

Three out of four Spaniards believe that there should be external monitoring to ensure the quality of journalism on health issues

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) has carried out a study which shows the desire among Spanish society to have mechanisms in place which ensure the veracity of the news they receive through the media on health issues. Moreover, it appears that this is a desire shared widely among the public, since neither age, gender nor social class is a determining factor in people's responses.

New technologies to identify food fraud in hazelnut consumption

Agronomy & Food Science

A team of the University of Barcelona is leading a study that improves the technology available to identify the geographical origin and variety of hazelnuts, and thus avoid commercial fraud and food safety problems linked to the consumption of these nuts. Food fraud, a problem that can affect a number of commonly consumed products, generates high economic losses and also influences the relationship of trust between suppliers and consumers.

Health - Jan 20

Smartwatches to better understand psychiatric illnesses and their genetic basis


Smartwatches that can collect physical and physiological data on users could be potentially interesting tools in biomedicine to gain a better understanding of brain diseases and behavioural disorders and possible driver mutations related to these pathologies.

Health - Jan 13

Researchers identify three psychological profiles that could determine the evolution of mental, cognitive and brain health in ageing


An international study published in the journal Nature Mental Health has identified three psychological profiles associated with different patterns of cognitive and brain decline in ageing.