New evidence on the association between endometriosis and traumatic and stressful experiences

Health - Feb 5

The results could be used to improve early detection of the disease, which affects 190 million women worldwide. The University of Barcelona has participated in an international study that has found new evidence linking traumatic experiences and stressful events with endometriosis, a chronic systemic inflammatory disease characterized by the presence of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus.

Pharmacology - Feb 3

A light-activated drug to fight psoriasis


Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that manifests itself mainly with skin symptoms (dryness, itching, scaly skin, abnormal patches and plaques). It affects about 2% of the population and is mediated by an altered immune system response that triggers the proliferation of skin cells. Depending on the severity, there are different therapeutic options (topical medications, phototherapy, systemic drugs, etc.), but some conventional treatments can have harmful effects on patients.

Health - Jan 29

Maternal stress during pregnancy could leave traces in the placenta that could affect the baby’s development


Maternal stress could leave epigenetic imprints on genes in the placenta associated with cortisol - a necessary hormone for foetal development - and this would affect the baby's development from very early stages, as stated in a paper published in the journal European Neuropsychopharmacology.

Discovery of how to create identical oil lenses to study emulsions on fluid surfaces

A team of researchers from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) has developed an innovative technique that allows the production of regular oil lenses of uniform size on the surface of water in a simple and reproducible fashion.

Health - Jan 27

Researchers detect that people with schizophrenia have an altered ability to visually perceive contrast


UB researchers detect that people with schizophrenia have an altered ability to visually perceive contrast - According to a review of more than 600 studies, these patients would have difficulty in det

Selected Job Offers
Health - 06.02
Postdoctoral Fellow (ref. PD/25/01) Institute for Research in Biomedicine Barcelona
Health - 04.02
Multimodal Data Manager for the Genetic & Molecular Epidemiology Group ( MDMGMEG) National Center for Oncological Research, Madrid
2 PhD positions in characterisation of IR and VLWIR detectors Spanish Astronomy Society (SEA), Barcelona
Health - 03.02
Personal investigador postdoctoral (R2) University of Barcelona
Computer Science - 03.02
Medical application software developer Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Madrid
Health - 03.02
Técnico/a de imagen para el diagnóstico para investigación clínica para el proyecto PESA-H Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Madrid
Administration - 31.01
Asistente administrativo para Departamento de Gestión Científica Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Madrid
Personal enfermería ia pocvus react Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Madrid
Health - 31.01
Titulado/a Superior para la Unidad de Investigación Clínica de Cáncer de Mama ( TSICCM9) National Center for Oncological Research, Madrid