news 2022
Results 1 - 20 of 186.
History / Archeology - Agronomy / Food Science - 22.12.2022
The Neolithic populations that came to the peninsula by sea and lived near it barely consumed fish
Domingo Carlos Salazar, CIDEGENT researcher at the University of Valencia (UV), has led a study that dates the occupation of the Neolithic site of Cova Bonica, located near the coast and the Llobregat River Delta. The results, published in the Frontiers magazine, confirm the important weight of an agricultural-livestock economy 7,400 years ago now, with a diet based on domesticated species of cereals and animals, and without the presence of fish.
Life Sciences - Health - 22.12.2022
Cellular reprogramming can generate neural networks that reproduce unique characteristics of human cells
Studies on diseases that affect the human brain are usually based on animal models which cannot reproduce the complexity of human neuropathies. Therefore, these methodologies often fail when applied in a clinical environment with patients. In this context, the findings of the cellular reprogramming techniques to generate cultures of human neurons using skin cells have revolutionised the study and development of innovative therapies in neurosciences.
Life Sciences - Computer Science - 21.12.2022
Bacteria taught to ’read’ Morse code signals
A project of the Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2SysBio, UV-CSIC) researches genetically modified bacteria so that they learn to decode a message.
Life Sciences - Environment - 21.12.2022
Sharpsnout seabream’s mortality during early life stages has a genetic base
The high mortality in the early stages of life is a common phenomenon in fish and other species, but it is little studied due to its complexity. A study by the University of Barcelona and the Centre for Advanced Studies of Blanes (CEAB-CSIC) has analysed whether this mortality in the sharpsnout seabream ( Diplodus puntazzo ), a species of the Mediterranean with an important commercial interest, occurs by chance or whether it is genetically determined.
Life Sciences - Health - 21.12.2022
A team of researchers, led by the UPF, characterize rare, damaged cells (senescent cells) that block the functions of their neighbour healthy cells and identify ways to neutralize them and improve tissue regeneration
Senescent cells, which emerge after tissue injury, create an aged-like inflamed microenvironment that is negative for stem cell function and tissue repair. The finding provides a basis for mitigating the loss of muscle regenerative capacity in elderly people and for improving muscle repair in young healthy people.
Mathematics - 21.12.2022
A mathematical model shows a global trend towards mutualism between species
A team led by researchers from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) has developed a new mathematical model to study changes in ecological interactions between microbe populations. One of the conclusions they have found is that there is a trend towards mutualism, that is, towards a relationship in which species benefit each other.
Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 20.12.2022
Perception and knowledge of food sustainability
Every year, about a third of all food produced in the world —about 1.3 billion tonnes— is wasted in consumers' homes and retail businesses, according to the United Nations (UN). The food sector also accounts for around 30% of the world's total energy consumption and 22% of greenhouse gas emissions.
Physics - Chemistry - 19.12.2022
Tool to improve research on molecular nanomagnets
The University of Valencia develops a tool to improve research on molecular nanomagnets A team from the Institute of Molecular Science (ICMol) of the University of Valencia has developed an open interactive platform that brings together and makes available to science around 20,000 data relating to the chemical design of molecular nanomagnets of special interest in the field of magnetic memories.
Health - Pharmacology - 16.12.2022
The most common type 2 diabetes drug needs the action of a cellular-stress-response protein to make effect
Metformin, the most prescribed drug for treating diabetes mellitus, known as type 2 diabetes, requires the presence of the growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) —a protein whose expression increases in response to cellular stress— to present its antidiabetic effects.
Health - Life Sciences - 16.12.2022
The parasite that is the most frequent cause of a type of meningitis, found for the first time in rats from continental Europe
A research conducted by the Parasites and Health group of the University of Valencia has found for the first time in continental Europe the nematode worm) Angiostrongylus cantonensis , a zoonotic (capable of being transmitted to humans) parasite present in the pulmonary arteries of rats and that it is the most common causative agent in humans of eosinophilic meningitis (EM).
Health - Pharmacology - 14.12.2022
The IFIC collaborates in the first international manual of supportive therapies in cancer patients
A group of researchers from the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC, UV-CSIC) has collaborated in the publication of the first international manual of supportive therapies for cancer patients.
Life Sciences - Health - 13.12.2022
Researchers identify differences in the spontaneous brain activity in people with Down syndrome
Researchers of the Faculty of Psychology, the Institute of Neurosciences ( UBNeuro ) and the Institute of Complex Systems ( UBICS ) of the University of Barcelona have identified, using functional magnetic resonance techniques, differences in the spontaneous activity of the brain in a resting state in people with Down syndrome (DS) compared to the general population.
Life Sciences - Health - 13.12.2022
Identified a characteristic of viruses that makes them more likely to jump from animals to humans
A study carried out by the Institute for Integrative Systems Biology (I2SysBio, UV-CSIC) reveals that enveloped viruses with a lipid envelope can better infect different species of animals, including humans. The flu, HIV or coronaviruses are enveloped viruses. This work makes it possible to refine surveillance tools to control zoonoses, the passage of these viruses from animals to people.
Life Sciences - 12.12.2022
Gene expression occurs in a circular fashion and not unidirectionally as previously thought
An international research team with prominent participation from the University of Valencia has discovered that, in the process of expression of genetic information, some proteins make a round trip aboard messenger RNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm and vice versa, and exchange essential information so that cells can survive environmental changes.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 12.12.2022
WEAVE spectrograph begins study of galaxy formation and evolution
LIFU's advantage comes from the large amount of information contained in each observation. Using small displacements of the pointer, the WEAVE spectrograph has produced, in two hours, spectra for 31,500 regions in and around these galaxies. The total light intensity of each of the fibres is used to form the image of the galaxies shown in the centre.
Pharmacology - Health - 05.12.2022
A team from the UB and IBUB reveals the extraordinary plasticity of the glucocorticoid receptor
Glucocorticoids —such as cortisone— are among the most widely used anti-inflammatory drugs, and are used to treat asthma, psoriasis, organ transplantation and even COVID-19. Regarding their pharmacological action, the activity of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is crucial. The GR is a transcription factor that regulates vital processes in human physiology.
Physics - Chemistry - 01.12.2022
New method for "capturing" changes in chemical bonds due to electronic dynamics
An international collaboration involving the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) has succeeded in bringing X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to the femtosecond time scale. This advance, published in Nature Communications , will not only make it possible to investigate the effects on chemical bonds due to the movements of atomic nuclei, but also those caused by electronic dynamics.
Campus - Career - 30.11.2022
What are the UB students like?
Acadèmic The results of the survey "The students' living and study conditions" have been published.
Health - Media - 30.11.2022
Alternative medicine loses the support of the main Spanish newspapers
Researchers Lorena Cano Orón (University of Valencia) and Emilia H. Lopera Pareja (Energy, Environmental and Technological Research Centre) highlight that the media have changed from a mainly favourable attitude towards alternative medicine, a series of practices deviant from integrated medicine in the western health system, to another more sceptical.
Environment - 30.11.2022
A collaborative global network is established for the study of ecological interactions between plants
Researchers from 23 countries on 5 continents, coordinated by the Center for Research on Desertification (CIDE, UV/CSIC/GVA), collaborate and provide open data related to the processes of association between plants.