Next Thursday, 17 November, the Paranimph of the Historical Building of the University of Barcelona, will host the 20th edition of the Women 360° Congress , a meeting on health, wellfare and businesses for women directors and businesswomen. For its fourth year in a row, the congress is co-organized together with the Institute for Lifelong Learning of the University of Barcelona (IL3-UB), which renews its strong commitment to women’s talent and supports the role of women in all fields of society. Among the attendees will be the minister for Equality and Feminisms of the Catalan Government, Tània Verge, and the rector of the University of Barcelona, Joan Guàrdia.
In this edition, the core idea of the congress is women’s mental health. Its aim is to give visibility and defend the care and prevention of mental health, and raise awareness among the professionals, leaders and stakeholders in the decision taking regarding this issue, as well as the media. "We want to continue contributing to the evolution of the woman so that we have more self-knowledge and management of mental health and wellbeing by strengthening the personal and professional leadership linked to emotions", notes Rosa Cuscó, founder and creator of the Women 360º Congress, expert on communication and disseminator of health in the company.
Professionals from the health and business sectors will take part in the congress, giving various presentations and in a round table discussion to share experiences, projects and recent research studies.
In this sense, the new edition of the Women 360º Congress will present the latest developments in the early detection of breast cancer through UBRA, the revolutionary smart bra; the link between chronic fatigue syndrome and persistent fatigue and the impact of mental health on invisible diseases, among others, will be discussed. TESORO, a joint Italian-Spanish research project that provides new insights into economic violence against women, will also be presented for the first time.
The session will end with a debate on the approach to mental health from the areas of social, business, family and personal influence, and the provision of tools for prevention and action.