The VII edition of the ’De major vull ser com...’ contest begins, to make visible women leaders in science, technology and innovation

The VII edition of the video contest "De major vull ser com...", aimed at students of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), Baccalaureate and Vocational Training (FP), has already started. The contest allows us to investigate and identify references for women or groups of women in scientific, technological and innovative disciplines.

The purpose of the contest is to promote and reward those videos, made by young students, that identify female references and recognise a reality that makes female scientists invisible and prevents their professional development.

The Foundation for the Promotion of Health and Biomedical Research of the Valencian Community (Fisabio) and the University of Valencia, on this occasion are joined as organisers by the Health Research Institute of the Clinical Hospital of Valencia (INCLIVA), the La Fe Health Research Institute (IIS-La Fe) and the Alicante Health and Biomedical Research Institute (ISABIAL).

The video contest "De major vull ser com..." has an allocation of 16,000 euros in prizes, which will be distributed in four modalities that correspond to the best script, the best production, the most innovative video in the selection of the character and the best video recognised by the public. In each of these modalities, two categories are established, the first includes ESO and the Basic Cycle of FP, and the second, Baccalaureate and the Middle and Higher Cycle of FP.

In each of the categories a prize of 2,000 euros will be awarded. Of this amount, 1,000 euros will be allocated to the purchase of scientific and technological material by the educational centre to which the students in the award-winning video belong. The remaining 1,000 euros will be for the young people who have participated in the creation of the winning videos and will also be used to purchase technological or educational material.

A jury will be in charge of deliberating on the works presented and selecting the winning videos and their special mentions. The jury will be made up of specialists, linked to the world of equality, science, education and research, as well as the field of creation and culture, especially the world of audiovisual communication.


The deadline for the presentation of proposals participating in the video contest has begun with the publication of the rules on the contest blog ( https://blogs.fisabio.san.gva.e­s/demajorv­ullsercom/ ) and will extend until January 31, 2024. Participation in the contest will be carried out through the EasyPromos platform and will be accessed with the following link: https://pr.easypromosapp­.com/regis­ter/967823 .

The awards gala will be held between the months of February and March to serve as a link between the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, which is commemorated on February 11, and the International Women’s Day, which is celebrated on March 8.

In the six editions of the contest, more than 320 videos have been submitted and more than 1,100 students have participated. So far, 185 educational centres have been part of this initiative, although the number is expected to increase this year.

Annex photo caption: 2023 awards gala.