The science disseminator Rocío Vidal, better known as -La Gata de Schrödinger--, will be one of the invited speakers at the V Ibero-American Nanodissemination Meeting to be held on November 2 and 3, organised by the Institute of Molecular Science (ICMol) and the Science Park of the University of Valencia, in collaboration with the -10alamenos9- Festival.
The conference will take place in the Marie Curie Auditorium of the Science Park of the University of Valencia and are aimed at promoting knowledge and disseminating Nanoscience. They consist of different activities aimed at students, teachers and the general public, divided into two sessions that will have limited capacity and for which prior registration is necessary at the links indicated in this information note.
The morning of the 3 day, interventions by three prominent speakers are scheduled. The first is Rocío Vidal, known as ’La Gata de Schrödinger’, a popular journalist devoted to scientific dissemination who will talk about her experiences in communication through social networks.
In addition, Pablo Escobedo, creative editor specialised in the use of Artificial Intelligence at the consulting firm Prodigioso Volcán, will offer a practical vision of how to exploit AI in communication, including scientific communication. Finally, Carlos Romà-Mateo, biochemist and doctor in Molecular Biology and Genetics from the University of Valencia will give a talk on the "job" of disseminator. Registration is mandatory through this.
On day 2, starting at 5:00 p.m., a training workshop in Nanotechnology will be held specifically for teachers in the area of Science between 4 grade of Primary and 2 grade of ESO. Jordi Díaz, doctor in Chemistry and well-known disseminator of Nanoscience, as well as coordinator of the "10alamenos9" Festival, will present different strategies and tools to teach the "secrets" of the Nanoworld in a practical and fun way.
One of the materials that will be presented to the teaching assistants is the "Nanokit", a box of materials available to the centres to work on different aspects of Nanoscience in the classrooms. That same day, as an introduction, there will be a talk on chemical aspects of Nanoscience by two ICMol researchers. Registration for the teaching workshop is mandatory through this.
The V Nanodissemination Meeting annually brings together people dedicated to the dissemination of science in different centres in Spain and Latin America who work in areas related to Nanotechnology. On Friday afternoon, the 3 , a series of talks by representatives of the Institute of Micro and Nanotechnology of Madrid (IMN-CSIC) have been scheduled; the Autonomous University of Zacatecas, the Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology or the SCN2 - CREAF, among others.
The V Ibero-American Nanodissemination Meeting is held this week at the Science Park