The University of Valencia, home of the FisioCòmic2023 university contest on physiological processes

The University of Valencia, home of the FisioCémic2023 university contest on physiological processes

FisioComic, a comic contest about physiological processes aimed at students of any degree from Spanish universities that have Physiology as a subject, has opened the registration period until Friday, March 31. This year, the third edition of the competition organised by the universities of Valencia (UV), Camilo José Cela (UCJC) of Madrid and Autonomous of Madrid (UAM), the headquarters are housed in the Valencian institution. Three prizes of 600, 300 and 200 euros will be distributed, as well as a batch of Graphic Medicine comics for the ten finalist groups.

The contest, in which the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the UV (UCC+i UV) collaborates, has established that the theme of the comics must deal with a physiological process, including aspects such as cellular or systems physiology, or physiopathological aspects. The works can be submitted until June 30, using any technique and with an extension of one page in vertical format.

The objective of FisioComic 2023 is to confront students with the challenge of communicating complex ideas using the language of graphic narrative. Comics are a crucial communication tool in the field of health, where citizens need rigorous but accessible information. Carlos Romá Mateo, professor of Physiology, is the representative of the UV in the organising committee of the contest. The institution’s local committee also includes Gloria Olaso González, also a Physiology professor.

For the contest, each university will choose a maximum of 4 comics from among its students to present in the contest, under the supervision of its local committee. The comics will be presented in groups of between 2 and 5 students, and can be made using any technique, but images of which authorship is not owned cannot be used.

The jury is made up of Álvaro Pons Moreno, Professor of Optics at the University of Valencia; Mª Blanca Mayor Serrano, PhD in Translation from the University of Granada; Óscar Hernández Muñoz, degree in Medicine and Surgery, and doctor in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid; and Miriam Rivera Iglesias, scientific disseminator specialised in comic format in Biomiics - Biology in Comics.

In addition to the cash prize, each awarded person will have the admission of a team member in the Spanish Society of Physiological Sciences who will be responsible for the membership fee for a period of 2 years, and the option to attend the congress of this society to present the FisioComic. All the comics will be published on the UCC+i UV website and the award ceremony will take place at a day at the University of Valencia attended by the coordinators of each institution, in addition to the prize winners.

FisioComic 2023 is a project of the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the University of Valencia, which is co-funded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECyT) and the Ministry of Science and Innovation, as well as the Spanish Society of Physiological Sciences.

To participate , you must fill out the pre-registration form here. here.