Professors Ximo Farinós and Júlia Salom, from the Department of Geography of the Universitat de València, coordinate the thematic groups ’Territorial Articulation’ and ’Economic Structure’, respectively, of the New Atlas of Spain 21st Century. The launch of the new edition, as a result of an agreement between the Spanish Geography Association (AGE) and the National Geographic Institute (IGN), took place recently in Madrid. The event was attended by Professor Farinós.
Ximo Farinós and Jùlia Salom are also members of the Inter-university Institute for Local Development (IIDL) of the Universitat de València. The work started will lead to an update of the contents with respect to the previous version, published in 2018, in which Farinós and Salom were also responsible for the aforementioned thematic groups.
The National Atlas is a fundamental and complex geographical document which contains a recapitulation and a generalisation of contemporary scientific knowledge in the field of physical, economic, cultural, and political geography of the country. It serves as a consultation tool by adding essential value for the public manager, and by providing knowledge of the different aspects that characterise the territory in the business area. At the same time, it constitutes an educational reference point for the general population.
The Universitat participates in the preparation of the New Atlas of Spain 21st century