On Monday will be presented the Biologic Station of l’Albufera, promoted by the Universitat de València

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Picture of l’Albufera
Picture of l’Albufera
The presentation session of the Biological Station of L’Albufera (EBA) will take place on 21 October. It will take place at 9am at the Technical Office of Process from the Natural Park of l’Albufera (El Palmar, Valencia). This initiative was born little more than a year ago, after the signing of an agreement between the Universitat de València, València City Council and the Valencian government (Generalitat Valenciana). This agreement aimed to the creation of a field station dedicated to the investigation of the fauna and the flora of the Natural Park of l’Albufera, and to observe its response to the diverse anthropogenic disturbances, like global climate change.

The EBA, an initiative of the Institut Cavanilles of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology of the Universitat de València, has been also conceived as a meeting point for different institutions involved in the park’s conservation. Moreover, it will be used as a chore educative resource for students of all’ages and as a outreach tool for promoting knowledge and raising awareness over the natural world and its diversity.

The encounter will be inaugurated by Rosa María Donat, Vice-Principal for Innovation and Knowledge Transfer of the Universitat de València; Luis Gomis Ferraz, general director for the Natural and Animal Environment of the Generalitat Valenciana; and José Gosálbez Payá, Councillor for Devesa-Albufera of Valencia City Council. Furthermore, Raquel Ortellsn -EBA coordinator by the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology of the Universitat de Valèncianwill be in charge of the presentation and will do an overview of the year.

The session will be coordinated by the Cavanilles Institute of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology of the Universitat de València, and other participants of the three signing institution of the agreement will attend too. The event will be segmented in three presentation blocks. The first one will expose the results of the research projects developed in the park during last year. The second presentation will put the aim in teaching and outreaching activities associated to EBA, whereas the third one will be dedicated to debate over EBA’s future and to define a roadmap for future projects and collaborations.