Meitner Project’s ’Pioneras’ exhibition showcases the legacy of women scientists in nuclear and particle physics

- ES- EN
The Meitner Science and Gender Dissemination Project of the -Instituto de Física Corpuscular- (IFIC), the joint centre of the -Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cieníficas- (CSIC) and the University of Valencia (UV), launches for the first time in a face-to-face format an exhibition on pioneering women in nuclear and particle physics. The exhibition has the collaboration of the Italian artist Mónica Mura and reflects the legacy of some of the greatest nuclear scientists through a selection of images, texts and videos.

The exhibition brings together the winning and selected works from the three editions held in the Express-Arte ConCiencia contest and has a work collection of the artist. Both parts are differentiated and will be exhibited in two different spaces, one belonging to the University of Valencia and the other to the CSIC, with the aim of creating a dialogue back and forth between the two locations and reflecting the mixed nature of the IFIC, with the support of the Unitat d'Igualtat of the University of Valencia.

The first part of the exhibition includes the winning works of the contest and a piece of Lise Meitner created by Mónica Mura. It is located at the entrance of the Assembly hall of the Science Park’s Cabecera building of the University of Valencia. The second part of the exhibition features a collection of works produced by Monica Mura about great women of nuclear and particles physics, and is located in the ’Casa de la Ciència’ of the CSIC. Both parts of the exhibit are available until 30 June 2023.

As parallel activities to the exhibition, the screening of the documentary Picture a Scientist will be offered on 7 June, at 7 p.m. in the ’Casa de la Ciència’ of the CSIC. At the end there will be a round table discussion with the public formed by the research staff from IFIC, CSIC-UV.

In addition, the Meitner Project is promoting the exhibition's itinerancy and is generating informative material to continue promoting and raising the profile of this Art, Science, Equality and Education project aimed at educational centres, associations or organisations interested in hosting it.

Meitner Project

The exhibition "Express-Arte - Pioneras" is part of the dissemination initiative "Meitner Project. Remembering Lise Meitner", a project promoted by the ’Instituto de Física Corpuscular’, which has the collaboration of the Spanish ’Fundación para la Ciencia y la Tecnología’, belonging to the Ministry of Science and Innovation.