The International Conference -Land Uses to Make a City-, organised by the University of Valencia, has hosted the lectures on urban planning at the Faculty of Law on November 2 and 3. Some of the main conclusions have focused on the difficulties inherent in the intervention of the existing city, the high competitive conflict in the regulation of housing and the analysis of the tertiary uses of the soil among others.
The Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia has hosted the International Conference "Land Uses to Make a City", which have featured specialists from several top-level European universities in the field of Law, urban planning and housing, and has discussed, among others, the different existing instruments to intervene in the regulation of land use in the built city, the current conflicts facing urbanism, policies and the right to housing and the regulation of the establishment of economic activities.
To this end, the Conference was structured in three sessions. The first one, which was held on Thursday 2 morning, dealt with the instruments for intervention in the built city, the social and environmental conflicts present in it, and the challenges posed by the current regulatory framework. In it, professors López Ramón (University of Zaragoza), Cerezo Ibarrondo (UNED) and Espejo Campos (University of La Laguna), talked about the difficulties of intervention in the existing city, especially the most vulnerable areas, and the inability of the instruments provided by the current urban planning legislation to deal with them correctly. Also of urban obsolescence, that the city and its infrastructures reach the end of their useful life and it is necessary to incorporate economically sustainable measures to maintain them, and of the importance of certain urban uses - as well as the improvement of the current regulatory framework that regulates them - in the vitality of cities. Professors Mialot (Sciencespo Paris), Lora-Tamayo Vallvé (UNED), Velasco Caballero (UAM) and Sancho Martínez (PH UPNA / Bilbao Metropoli-30) will complete this analysis with the study of the different environmental and social elements to take into account when intervening in the city.
The second session focused on public policies and housing law, with the relevant contributions of professors Gifreu i Font, Ponce Solé (University of Barcelona), Quintiŕ Pastrana (University of Groningen) and Durban Martín (University of Valencia) on the high level of competition in the regulation of housing, the importance of incorporating the social perspective and avoiding urban segregation in the articulation of these policies, and the difficulties of operating with a scarce and old public residential park, which demand coordinated actions and public-private collaboration for their management and improvement. The session closed with an analysis of the different mechanisms put into practice in the Valencian context - especially the rights of stipulation and retraction - Professor Marzal Raga (University of Valencia), Natxo Collado, Hernán Fioravanti and Andrea Ariza, from La Dula Cooperative.
Finally, in the third session, professors Villarejo Galende (Uni. of Valladolid), Nogueira López (Uni. of Santiago de Compostela), Gimeno Fernández (Uni. of Valencia) and professor Menéndez Menéndez (UCM) deepened the uses tertiaries of the soil, with an analysis of the existing conflicts between economic freedoms and urbanism and of the different concurrent elements to regulate these uses in the city. All emphasised that the current regulatory framework leaves room for ambitious land use regulations and the necessary incorporation of the sustainable development paradigm in the regulation of specific activities that can be implemented in the city and its periurban environment.
The organisation of the congress was carried out by Andrés Boix Palop and Reyes Marzal Raga, full professor of Administrative Law, and Claudia Gimeno Fernández, assistant professor of Administrative Law, all from the Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia.
The International Conference "Land Uses to Make a City" was funded by the Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia, the Collaborative Economy Chair of the same entity and the Ministry of Education, Universities and Employment.
Conference programme :
Experts in urban planning, law and housing debate at the University of Valencia about land uses for a better city