Chair UB José Luis Massó Private Foundation, to help graduates from the Faculty of Chemistry to continue their studies

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The rector of the UB, Joan Guŕrdia, congratulated the Faculty of Chemistry for t
The rector of the UB, Joan Guŕrdia, congratulated the Faculty of Chemistry for this initiative.


Today, 22 July, the University of Barcelona hosted the presentation of the Chair UB José Luis Massó Private Foundation in the Aula Magna of the Historic Building. The aim of the Chair is to help graduates of the Faculty of Chemistry with limited financial resources or with some kind of disability to study for a master’s degree and to continue preparing themselves for entering the labour market. A total of 36,000 euros per year, initially for three years, will be awarded to students up to 30 years of age. The amount of the grant will be equivalent to the cost of the enrolment fee for the master’s degree the applicants wish to take. This first year, ten grants have been announced for the 2022-2023 academic year.

The José Luis Massó Private Foundation will also collaborate with the orientation and employability activities organised by the Faculty of Chemistry by facilitating internships in companies and training workshops for the students.

The rector of the UB, Joan Guŕrdia , congratulated the Faculty of Chemistry for this initiative: "We are capable of changing people’s lives in a positive way. In this case, by promoting socio-occupational integration. I thank the Foundation for having joined us in this path".

Then, the director of the Chair and vice-dean for Mobility and External Relations of the Faculty of Chemistry, Carme González , thanked the José Luis Massó Private Foundation for its willingness to "help the most disadvantaged students or those at risk of vulnerability" to continue their studies.

The dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, Miquel Vidal , said that "this chair is one more step" that the centre has taken in its commitment to inclusion. "The Foundation will help us to achieve human and academic success for our students," he concluded.

Finally, the president of the board of trustees of the José Luis Massó Private Foundation, Isidro Massó , noted that one of the essential aspects is the selection of people: "We created this chair to support students who want to continue their studies, but who, due to economic difficulties, would not be able to do so".

The José Luis Massó Private Foundation is a non-profit organisation with the aim of promoting the integration into the labour market of young university students without economic resources, with special consideration for those with physical, mental or sensory disabilities.