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Physics - Innovation - 24.01.2025
A new experimental system to bring quantum technologies closer to students
A new experimental system to bring quantum technologies closer to students
The world of quantum physics is experiencing a second revolution, which will drive an exponential leap in the progress of computing, the internet, telecommunications, cybersecurity and biomedicine. Quantum technologies are attracting more and more students who want to learn about concepts from the subatomic world - such as quantum entanglement or quantum superposition - to explore the innovative potential of quantum science.

Physics - 12.12.2024
New breakthrough in optical materials
New breakthrough in optical materials
Researchers at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and CSIC have developed an innovative technique that combines ion implantation and femtosecond lasers to create advanced optical nanocomposites. The work, published in Materials Today Nano , lays the groundwork for a new generation of customizable materials with applications in optics, sensors and photonics.

Physics - 10.12.2024
New quantum state unveiled
New quantum state unveiled
A Spanish team led from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) has observed the formation of a new quantum state in ultrathin materials by cooling a Mott insulator below 11 Kelvin. This finding, published in Nature Communications , could revolutionize the development of superconductors and next-generation electronic devices, marking a milestone in materials science.

Physics - Chemistry - 05.11.2024
Researchers analyze the directional
Researchers analyze the directional "picoantenna-like" behavior of tunnel junctions formed by surface defects at the atomic scale
News Researchers analyze the directional peak-antenna-like behavior of tunnel junctions formed by surface defects at the atomic scale The profile of light collected with tunneling microscopes changes when the tip is placed on an atomic step. This phenomenon can be exploited to build picoantennas, nanoscale elements that direct light.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 21.10.2024
They recreate at the CERN a nuclear reaction that is key to know the chemical evolution of our galaxy and the solar system
They recreate at the CERN a nuclear reaction that is key to know the chemical evolution of our galaxy and the solar system
Researchers from the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC, UV-CSIC) achieve to measure at the laboratory the formation of a key element in the evolution of chemical make-up of the heavy elements. An isotope of this element, Lead-204, is produced in giant red stars, responsible for the creation of half of the elements which are heavier than iron in nature.

Physics - Innovation - 08.10.2024
The most quantum light where you least expect it
The most quantum light where you least expect it
Scientists at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) argue that the most exotic and complex quantum phenomena occur at frequencies where quantum systems emit the least light. The work opens new doors for the development of advanced quantum technologies by studying correlations of multiple photons emitted by qubits (atoms or other two-electron systems).

Physics - 04.10.2024
CMS experiment presents the most accurate measurement of the W boson mass obtained at the LHC
CMS experiment presents the most accurate measurement of the W boson mass obtained at the LHC
The result, the most accurate performed at CERN's LHC to date, was obtained from 2016 data from the CMS experiment and is in agreement with the prediction of the standard model of particle physics.

Health - Physics - 11.07.2024
Unique scanner developed for planning proton therapy against cancer
A collaboration led by Enrique Nácher, from the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC), has developed the first fully Spanish proton tomography scanner. The device reuses prototypes from other nuclear physics projects and has been tested at a proton therapy centre in Poland. The first results of this project, developed in collaboration with the Institute of Structure of Matter (IEM-CSIC) and the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), have been published in The European Physical Journal Plus.

Physics - Career - 01.07.2024
IFIC researcher Carlos Mariñas will lead the upgrade operations of the Japanese particle physics experiment Belle II
Carlos Mariñas, researcher at the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC, UV-CSIC), has been appointed head of the global upgrade operations for the Japanese Belle II detector, an experiment involving over 1,000 researchers from 27 countries aimed at improving the efficiency of high-luminosity operations, which are crucial for the detailed study of both rare processes and future discoveries in particle physics.

Pharmacology - Physics - 26.06.2024
New noninvasive method to measure glucose in diabetic patients
New noninvasive method to measure glucose in diabetic patients
A team from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) has developed paper sensors with rare-earth nanoparticles capable of detecting small concentrations of glucose in aqueous solutions. The work, published in the journal Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces , offers a non-invasive alternative for measuring glucose levels in patients with diabetes, eliminating the need to prick fingers to draw blood.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 24.05.2024
Euclid reveals five new views of the universe
Euclid reveals five new views of the universe
These images allow scientists to search for wandering planets, study dark matter using lensed galaxies and explore the evolution of the universe.

Chemistry - Physics - 21.05.2024
Membranes for the degradation of water pollutants
Membranes for the degradation of water pollutants
A team of researchers from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) has developed hybrid membranes based on a functional porous nanomaterial and a polymer, capable of effectively degrading emerging contaminants present in water. The work, published in the journal Nanoscale , promises to significantly improve water quality and contribute to the development of sustainable treatment methods.

Innovation - Physics - 10.05.2024
The Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) funds an IFIC project to assess technology that will improve nuclear waste management
The Spanish Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) just funded a new project in the Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC).

Physics - Materials Science - 07.03.2024
Multiplied the efficiency of upconversion luminescent nanomaterials for applications such as 3D printing, bioimaging or solar cells
An international research team, with the participation of the University of Valencia, has managed to multiply the luminescence efficiency of upconversion nanomaterials, a light absorption and emissio

Chemistry - Physics - 05.03.2024
Controlling chirality in a graphene fragment.
Controlling chirality in a graphene fragment.
"This is one of the most important works that this research group has done in its history, and that is saying a lot", especially in a team that is able to characterize and synthesize its own carbon n

Physics - 26.02.2024
New quantum light source in the terahertz spectrum
New quantum light source in the terahertz spectrum
A team at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) has developed a tunable light source that can emit single photons in the terahertz (THz) regime. The finding opens up new frontiers in quantum technology, promising innovative applications in sectors such as spectroscopy, microscopy, medical diagnostics, communications and security.

Physics - 29.01.2024
The LHC’s ATLAS collaboration publishes the first measurements of the Higgs boson at record energy
The ATLAS collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN has made new measurements of the production rate of Higgs bosons at the energy of 13. TeV, a record value that the LHC accelerator has managed to achieve in its third period of operation known as Run 3. The results, published this week in the European Physical Journal C, have the direct participation of the IFIC researcher Salvador Martí García.

Physics - 25.01.2024
The CALIFA detector is ready to operate in Germany after 20 years of work
The CALIFA detector is ready to operate in Germany after 20 years of work
The Institute of Corpuscular Physics (IFIC, UV-CSIC) is part of the team that has travelled to the city of Darmstadt to install the last modules of the CALIFA detector, a calorimeter that will be installed in R3B, one of the scientific collaborations in nuclear physics from the new international research centre FAIR.

Physics - Computer Science - 11.12.2023
Gravitational quantum entanglement simulated
Gravitational quantum entanglement simulated
A researcher at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) has succeeded in simulating on an IBM quantum computer the creation of quantum entanglement by means of the gravitational field. The work, published in the journal EPJ Quantum Technology , could help in the experimental validation of gravity as a quantum force.

Physics - Materials Science - 05.12.2023
New twist on graphene through the development of two-dimensional magnetic materials with 'on demand' properties
New twist on graphene through the development of two-dimensional magnetic materials with ’on demand’ properties
A team from the Institute of Molecular Science (ICMol) of the University of Valencia has taken a step forward in the field of twistronics, an area that brings together physics, chemistry and nanotechnology towards the search and control of new and extraordinary properties in graphene and other two-dimensional materials.
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