Results 1 - 4 of 4.
Sport - Pedagogy - 26.02.2024
Young men have more gender stereotypes in sport than women
Researchers from the Universitat de València and the Catholic University of Valencia have demonstrated a change of mentality towards gender stereotypes in sport in young men.
Pedagogy - 28.11.2022
University students improve their comprehension if the questions are inserted in the text instead of at the end
An investigation of the Interdisciplinary Research Structure (ERI) of Reading of the University of Valencia (UV) affirms that, for the learning of sciences in university students, it is more efficient to integrate the questions in the development of the text than to accumulate them at the end. Applying this method, as the researcher Alba Rubio did for this study published in the journal Instructional Science , has resulted in more focused and careful learning, and helps to better remember what has been learned.
Pedagogy - Social Sciences - 02.03.2022
Researchers from UPF are working with young people in the Raval district to boost audiovisual media as a tool for social transformation
The project SMOOTH gathers 11 European universities that will study whether -educational commons- can act as catalysts to reverse social inequalities among young people and children. UPF is to undertake the performance of two case studies in Barcelona on which work will be carried out with the entities AEI Raval and ElParlante.
Social Sciences - Pedagogy - 22.03.2021
The gender equalization process in Spain led to unexpected effects on the health of new-borns
The gender equalization process in Spain led to unexpected effects on the health of new-borns, according to research A study involving researchers from Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Mannheim and Carlos III of Madrid universities analyses the effect of increased access by women to education and financial opportunities caused to their fertility and the health of new-borns.