With the title -Drets humans, població civil i conflictes armats- (-Human rights, civilian population and armed conflicts-, the XII Seminars on International Humanitarian Law will be organised on the next days 19 and 20 December by the Institute of Human Rights of the Universitat de València. The seminars will take place in the Graduates Room of the Department of International Public Law (Faculty of Law, Tarongers Campus).
According to the explanation of the professor Consuelo Ramón, co-director of the seminars "being decided by Putin, the invasion of Ukraine -which is not likely to end soon-, has caused, overall, serious geopolitical changes that modify the power relationships between the two participants that fight for the hegemony in international relations. In addition, it puts into question the respect for values and principles of the liberal democracy and question the validity of the regulatory and institutional system that regulates international relationships from the ONU". This fight, she added, "means a generalised violation of rules and principles of the international humanitarian law and, specially, of the civilian population rights. And this is the Seminars main subject of discussion. In addition, we will also talk about other subjects such as the impact of climate change when it comes to trafficking in human beings, international protection strategies on immigrant women, or the protection of historical and artistic heritage".
The seminars will be started at 10:30h not only by the dean of the Faculty of Law, Javier Palao, but also by the seminars organisers Consuelo Ramón and Roberto Pérez Salom. The first conference called "La compatibilidad con el Derecho Internacional Humanitario con algunos medios de combate en el conflicto ruso-ucraniano" ("The compatibility with International Humanitarian Law with some means of combat in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict") will be organised by Romualdo Bermejo García, full professor of International Public Law and International Relations of the University of Friburg (Switzerland). The last conference will talk about "Los mecanismos de la radicalización islamista y el respeto de los derechos humanos" ("The mechanism of Islamist radicalisation and respect for human rights"). It will be given on Tuesday at 19:30h by José Carlos Gutiérrez Privat, professor in the Institut d’études Politiques in Paris (Sicences Po) and member of the Study Centre on radicalisation and its analysis (CERT) in the University Paris-Diderot.
The Universitat organises the XII Seminars on International Humanitarian Law