Xavier Ros Oton, professor at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the UB, has been appointed new member of the Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain , being the youngest person to join this institution.
Ros Oton, one of the most cited mathematicians of his generation, is a leading figure in the study of elliptic partial differential equations and variational theory. He is currently the head of the Research Group on Partial Differential Equations, and the principal researcher of an ERC Starting Grant (2019-2024). He is an ICREA research lecturer, and has been a lecturer at the University of Zurich (Switzerland) and an R. H. Bing instructor at the University of Texas at Austin (United States).
Oton has received several awards given to young researchers in mathematics, including the Gold Medal Guido Stampacchia , the José Luis Rubio de Francia Research Award given by the Spanish Royal Mathematical Society (RSME) and the SeMA Award Antonio Valle to young researchers given by the Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics. In 2019, he received the Princesa de Girona Foundation Award to scientific research.