The Conference on Labour Culture in Research return to the University of Valencia in a second edition

The University of Valencia hosts the second edition of the Conference on Labour Culture in Research (J-CLI) on Tuesday, November 21, in the auditorium of the Science Park of the University of Valencia. The act seeks to create a critical social forum to raise awareness of the labour and rights aspects of the science and research sector, promote collective awareness and offer a channel for dissemination and interaction for scientists. The Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the University of Valencia collaborates in the activity.

In the last year, two key laws were approved for the Spanish Scientific-Technical System, the Modification of the Science, Technology and Innovation Law (LCTI), and the Organic Law of the University System (LOSU). Interest has also increased in highlighting the ethical, cultural and ideological problems that condition scientific activity and its effective transfer to society, as they are fundamental aspects for directing the course of future scientific policies. To promote this work, the Marea Roja de la Investigación coordinator organises the second edition of the Conference on Labour Culture in Research (J-CLI) under the motto "Conscience, alliance and imagination".

The meeting, with free access, will be between 4 and 8 p.m. and will consist of two round tables. On the one hand, "Law of Science and LOSU. Revising the legal frameworks", with the participation of Jordi Pérez (PDI Precariado), Francisco Palazón (Federación de Jóvenes Investigadoras), Raquel Salvador (FPU Investiga) and Avelino Vicente (RyC en Lucha). The table will be moderated by Ascensión Andrés (FPI en Lucha).

The second round table is the debate panel "Failing together, other ways of inhabiting science", in which Andrea Corrales (University of Zaragoza), Mijo Miquel (Polytechnic University of Valencia), Teresa Samper (University of Valencia) and Guillermo Muñoz (University of Valencia) will participate.

The J-CLI conference take place this November in three different venues: Santiago de Compostela, Valencia and Madrid, and are organised by Marea Roja de la Investigación, the Coordinadora Valenciana de Trabajadoras de la Ciencia (CVTC), FPI en Lucha, and the PDI Precariat platform. In addition to the associations mentioned, the Federation of Young Researchers (FJI) and FPU investiga also collaborate.