An international congress examines the regulation of artificial intelligence and neuro-rights in the workplace

The Faculty of Law of the University of Valencia (UV) holds the congress "Artificial Intelligence in the World of Work: Challenges for Labour Regulations and Occupational Risk Prevention" on 20 and 21 June. The event addresses the consequences of introducing artificial intelligence and algorithmic management in the workplace for the purpose of personnel selection or neuro-rights (set of human rights involved in protecting the brain and its activity). The event is free to attend and will be held in person.

The congress, held in the Faculty’s Saló de Graus, will help to clarify workers’ rights in this new automated technological era by analysing the regulations recently approved by the European Union in this area. "The main challenges for labour regulations are the right to data protection, non-discrimination and health at work," explains Adrián Todolí, congress director and lecturer in the Department of Labour Law and Social Security at the UV and author of the book Algoritmos productivos y extractivos. Cómo regular la digitalización para mejorar el empleo e incentivar la innovación (Productive and extractive algorithms: how to regulate digitalisation to improve employment and encourage innovation).

On 20 June, has talked Todolí; Ignasi Beltran de Heredia, dean of the Faculty of Law at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and co-director of the event; Miguel Rodríguez-Piñero, professor of Labour Law and Social Security at the University of Seville; and María Luz Rodríguez, Spanish jurist and politician, among others. The event will cover the new European regulation on AI and the directive on decent work on digital platforms.

On Friday, notable presentations include "The Relationship Between AI Regulation, Platform Directive, and Labour Regulations", by Nastazja Potocka-Sionek from the University of Luxembourg, and "Algorithmic Selection Processes and Discrimination", by Gemma Fabregat, professor of Labour Law and Social Security at the UV, among others. The congress will close with remarks from Cristina Fernández, director of the State Agency for Labour and Social Security Inspection (ITSS).

This congress is part of the activities of the ALEXNE project PID2022-139967NB-I00, funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU), the Spanish Research Agency and the UV Department of Labour Law.
